
The University of New Orleans (澳门澳娱乐平台入口) designed the graduate 海岸工程 And Sciences (CEAS) certificate program to address a growing local need for highly specialized coastal engineers and scientists.

海湾地区是自然灾害恢复的典范, 路易斯安那州的沿海总体规划反映了他们的努力. As the region protects its communities and ecosystems against future large-scale storms yet eyes industry growth without eroding the existing coastline, coastal engineers and scientists become essential for ensuring all new and existing structures and strategies act to preserve the existing morphology—and don’t inadvertently create a pathway for seawater to flow inland.

澳门澳娱乐平台入口’s coursework reflects the region’s unique deltaic coastal environment and its specific 挑战, 但所提出的概念适用于美国乃至全球的沿海地区. 允许科学家和工程专业人员利用澳门澳娱乐平台入口的创新, 强化职业性澳门澳娱乐平台入口, the graduate certificate in Coastal Sciences 和 graduate certificate in 海岸工程 are 以混合格式提供,可选择校内课程或在线课程.
